The Parade has started!

The Parade has started!

Tomorrow is Homecoming at Preble Shawnee HS. The parade with floats, band, and our Homecoming candidates starts at 5:30. We will circle around the HS leaving one lane open on Somers Gratis Road. Come join the fun! Todays theme was Jersey Day!

Homecoming float preparations

10th grade students working on their float on their off day!

Homecoming festivities day 2! Stay afloat day!

Hoopsters Youth Basketball registration
It is the final week for REGISTRATION for the 2023-2024 Hoopsters Basketball season, grades K through 6th grade! Registration ends Sept 22.
You do not pay now. You will be billed later: REC ball $45 (K - 2nd grade) and METRO $110 once teams are selected.
Tryout dates for METRO will be announced later in September.
Here is the link: https://app.picklejuiceapp.com/a/ureg/open/event/9A5AA4BE
If you used Pickle Juice last year your login information should be the same, otherwise establish a new log in.

Sinclair College
I hope the start of school finds you and your students well. We are reaching out to share information on the release of the 2024-2025 FAFSA. As some of you may have heard, due to a complete overhaul of the FAFSA form and the implementation of the FUTURE ACT, the release of the 2024-2025 FAFSA has been delayed.
While October 1st has been the standard release date for the past several years, the 2024-2025 FAFSA will not be open until sometime in December, no exact date given.
We understand this greatly diminishes the time your students will have to complete the form, but our hope is that not all is lost. We are encouraging all high schools to continue to schedule informational and FSA ID Creation Nights as early as mid to late September. Getting students and parents to learn about the FAFSA and complete the first step, the FSA ID, we can still get ahead of the game!
In the past, it has only been necessary for one parent to create a FSA ID, but the 2024-2025 FAFSA may require both parents to create a FSA ID and each sign the form. Additionally, this FAFSA requires the student to INVITE the parent to their specific FAFSA for completion. Having a day, evening, or event where parents and students can attend together, we believe, will greatly increase the chances of successful FAFSA completion. This can all start now!
If you are interested in scheduling a FSA ID Creation event with our Financial Aid & Scholarships office, please fill out and submit the form by clicking the link provided below, and selecting other from the type of event. If you would like a FAFSA Informational Presentation, please select FAFSA Information in the presentation section. We will begin scheduling FAFSA Completion events, closer to the release of the FAFSA, and will reach back out when we are ready for those requests.
Outreach Form Request
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Assistant Director, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Pronouns: she, her, hers
937-512-4545 | kirby.adams@sinclair.edu | Building 10, Room 309

Homecoming week!
Dress like Adam Sandler Day!

Today, the Middle School held its Annual House Sorting Ceremony. All new students and the 5th grade students were randomly assigned to a House by drawing a wax-sealed envelope. Inside the envelope, they found a card with the crest of their assigned house. The House system is used to foster a sense of community and belonging while at the Middle School. It is a proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff. The Middle School will have friendly House competitions throughout the year to earn House Points. Likewise, students will be able to earn individual points by showing effort, good character, academic excellence, outstanding performance and school spirit. The House of Isibindi was the Champion for the 22/23 school year. Who will be the House Champion for the 23/24 school year? Stay tuned to find out!

Homecoming Parade and Game September 22!
Please join us Friday, September 22, for our Homecoming parade and game. We will parade around the HS with floats, band, Homecoming candidates, and all of the celebrations to show our Arrow Pride! We want kids to line the grass area as floats and the band goes by. The parade will go on the main road in front of the school and circle the parking lot. Traffic will be open to one lane while the parade is going on. We will be tossing out candy and show off our Arrow traditions. Follow us on our PSARROWS Phone App for more information!

Check Your Final Forms Email for our Family Newsletter for September!

Reminder: Tonight's Board of Education Meeting starts at 6:00 pm in the library. Visitors may enter by the back door by the library.

Preble County Sheriff's Department, Camden Police, All Fire and EMS, Active and Retired Service Women and Men,
I wanted to take a moment on behalf of the Preble Shawnee Local Schools to offer you and your staff thanks and praise for the outstanding job you do protecting our families and students everyday. Patriot Day is a time we remember and honor the Americans that lost their lives , the first responders who came to their aid, and the service members who pursued and brought to justice those who were responsible. We celebrate our partnership with you and are so appreciative as a district for the services you supply for our community and most importantly our schools.
Todd Bowling, Superintendent
Jeff Wood, President BOE
Gary Rader, VP BOE
Julie Singleton, BOE
Nick Duskey, BOE
David Akers, BOE

Senior Parking Spots

Senior Parking Spots

Senior Parking Spots

Senior Parking Spots

Senior Parking Spots!

Senior Parking Spots