Mr. Todd Bowling, Superintendent
District Office (Door 14)
5495 Somers Gratis Road
Camden, OH 45311
Phone: 937-452-1283

Message from the Superintendent
Family/Community Update
We are always striving to improve communication. One way we would like to improve is by getting our parents and community to feel comfortable reaching out to our staff with issues. Facebook Messenger is not the most reliable way to make sure issues are addressed. I am happy to address all questions and issues that might pop up in our community regarding safety, health, or facilities. My phone number is (937) 452-1283, Ext. 1003; all voicemails feed directly to my email and I can be reached by email using this link. Follow me on Twitter @suptPrebShawnee for exciting news and weather updates this winter. Follow Preble Shawnee on Facebook.
CogAT Testing - What and Why
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice K-12 assessment that measures reasoning skills with different types of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal questions. By law, Ohio public schools are required to screen for giftedness by ability area. CogAT is used to screen for Superior Cognitive Ability. We must do whole grade screenings once during the K-2 grade band and once during the 3-6 grade band. We choose to screen our students for superior cognitive ability in 2nd and 6th grade.
Pay Schools Central:
Pay Schools Central is your portal to safe and convenient meal account management for your child's lunch account. No more worries about needing to have cash on hand, prepaying with pay schools is easy, convenient, and secure. Pay Schools Central gives parents the option to see what their students are purchasing each day, and beyond lunch, student fees can be paid on the same account! Pay Schools accepts credit card pre-payments 24 hours a day with an automated update to the system at school. Registration and credit card information is completely secure and protected with the most current and advanced internet security. This site can be reached in the Parent Drop Down Menu on our website.